Deposited on the banks of the Barbican courtyard is ‘I am so sorry. Goodbye’, by Heather and Ivan Morrsion. Influenced by the utopian vision of west-coast American communities who began to build by hand homes in the 1970s, this misshaped pumpkin-esque dome is comprised of two intersecting geodesic spheres, hand-built from wood harvested from naturally fallen trees.

Inside the dome you feel absolutely teleported: the sound of lunchtime chitchat is muted and all that pervades is the sound of the breeze hollowing it’s way in and about. The hibiscus tea upon entry is pretty sweet too.

Placed in a somewhat claustrophobic surrounding, the artists are asserting the relationship between the built environment and nature, ‘it’s all bout a fantasy of post-apocalyptic survivalism, with all the misanthropy and horror that implies’.

A really nice preface to the ‘radical nature’ show (see below). Prior to this exhibition the artists had the domes deposited deep into the woods.