What i adore about Lula Magazine is its overall thoughtful and deeply feminine approach to curation process. Each issue calls on a guest editor who in turn invites all their favorite people to feature in the publication. What emerges is this really organic flow of ideas and images. Its all very personal you see.
One of my favorite issues was curated by Kirsten Dunst where s
he personally interviewed the likes of Jason Schwartzman, Au Revoir Simone and played dress-up in the wardrobes of Sonia Rykiel, Christian Lacroix and Acne. Another interview profiled a toy-making business, producing wooden toys for young'uns. I think she also had a chat with Beach House. Perhaps i'm mixing up issues --they're all gathering dust back home. You get my driftwood.

But this post is not about Lula, it's about Twin, a new mook from Lula's creative director Rebecca Smith.
Large format, hard-cover --almost like a portfolio of art and fashion.
Yes art and fashion, that old drum, but this one is REAL NICE art and fashion.
Independently published too.
Find it. Love it. Rub it against your face, with the lights off, like i do.